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The Guild Lands once known for its masterful artisan goods and fair trade has a dark shadow cast over it as of late. After the trade prince of the Black Dawn trade guild was slain by the Iron Sacraments Iron Crusaders for being a Heretic the two guilds have been at war. This has caused profits to drop all around the region causing some factions to seek profit elsewhere. For the last month the two waring factions have called for a ceasefire. After a large battle on the open seas caused both factions to lose a great many ships and men. This war has let other factions in the guild lands to gain profit and influence most notably the legion of the faceless. A nebulous organization that practices intense anonymity, always wearing masks when in combat or public settings. They claim to be everywhere and to hear everything, making them excellent at political blackmail and manipulation. This has caused many Governors and Lords to lose faith in the two waring factions some say it’s bc of the legion but who knows. Right now there is a ceasefire but anything could set the factions off again…..this is we’re the newest adventuring company come in (you guys) you have seen there is a opening and you are laying claim…. It’s move in day who knows what on the horizon for our would be hero’s!!!!!h

Every other Sunday 7pm EST

City of little repute, started out as a modest fishing and shipping community and growing with the times. Weathering time and tide much as ant coastal city has done since people decided by to live by the water and take their chances.  Cape city has gone through the standard boom and bust cycles common among all cities. during the high point they built an elevated train system that provides cheap transportation to most areas of the city. Unfortunately cape city is experiencing a bust several years ago one of the last large manufactures left for cheaper pastures leaving many lower income folks in rough shape. It's among these folks that we find ourselves, living with the down and out as best we can and trying to stay alive. As anywhere predators pray upon the weak and downtrodden. Just outside the city on an island just off the bay, was once home to a TB Hospital named St. Steven Sanitarium now owned by a multinational bio-research Company rumored to conduct illegal experiments snatching the homeless of the streets.

Every Monday 7pm EST

The Delphi Council has a chance to slip a team into the Cyberpapacy under the guise of special investigators for the Inquisition, but what happens when the Cyberpope requests that team to look into rumors of demons and betrayal? Someone inside the Church has sinister plans. Follow the clues through dark monasteries, mean urban sprawls, and even into the GodNet to discover a secret more dangerous than the Church itself! Inside you will find: A massive Seven Act extended adventure that crosses the different regions of the Cyberpapacy. Gain the status to move freely though the Church s realm - perhaps permanently! New foes to face and allies to win over!

Every wednesday 7pm EST

In the mystical world of Zyathe, a group of men found themselves inexplicably reincarnated. These men hailed from different times and walks of life, each meeting an untimely death in their original world. There was a street criminal, a distinguished fire fighter, a pretentious Engineer, a Drifter, a novelist, and a professional wrestler. Despite coming from vastly different backgrounds, they shared a common goal: to understand the mystery of their reincarnation and navigate this strange new world. Zyathe was unlike anything they had ever known. The flora and fauna were vibrant and otherworldly, and the landscape shifted from lush forests to barren deserts in the blink of an eye. Despite the beauty of their new surroundings, the men couldn't shake the feeling of disorientation and fear. As they journeyed through Zyathe, they encountered magical creatures and powerful beings, some friendly and others hostile. They uncovered ancient artifacts and solved complex puzzles, piecing together the history of this mystical world and their place in it.

Every Saturday 7pm EST
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